2016年4月14日 星期四

0413 幼兒繪本唱遊:Walter's Wonderful Web

0413 幼兒繪本唱遊:Walter's Wonderful Web


Music from KidsTV123
I'm a square. I have 4 sides. I'm a square. I have 4 sides.
We are squares. We have 4 sides. 1 2 3 4. We are squares.

I'm a circle. I go round and round. I'm a circle. I go round and round. 
We are circles. We go round and round. Round and round, we are circles.

I'm a triangle. I have 3 sides. I'm a triangle. I have 3 sides. 
We are triangles. We have 3 sides. 1 2 3 - we are triangles.

We are shapes. You see us everywhere. We are shapes. You see us everywhere. 
We are shapes. You see us everywhere. 

Just look around, we are everywhere.

蜘蛛Walter費了好大力氣才織出一個完美的網.這個故事帶孩子認識圓形circle、正方形square、菱形 diamond、長方形 rectangle.
Letter sound: b

Pass the circle to your friend!
Pass the circle to your friend! 

Different shapes!
There's a spider on my leg! 




大家合力完成的spider web~



0410 繪本唱遊K1: Millie Waits for the Mail

Millie跟其他牛不太一樣。她和其他牛一樣,會反芻,也會在田野上吃草,但她最喜歡的事情是嚇郵差🤣。每次米莉想出一個新方法來嚇他,郵差很困擾Millie每天干擾他的工作。誰知道投遞郵件會是這麼困難的工作呢?😂 今日單字:map